Precautions Taken by Our Clinic Regarding the Coronavirus Covid-19 Outbreak


As a healthcare center your health and safety remain our top priority.

Considering the severity of the global Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic, we have taken all the necessary precautions possible to provide you the safest healthcare at our clinic. We as Erasmus Woman’s Health and Reproductive Center have added extra precautions to minimize the risk of contamination, for your safety and that of our personnel.

The precautions are as follows:

  • In order to limit the number of people in the clinic, all necessary measures have been taken:  Appointment times are organized and early arrivals must wait outside. Visitors are taken inside at the time of their appointment depending on the number of people in the clinic at the time.
  • We have reorganized our waiting area according to the social distancing rules. Items, such as magazines and brochures that cannot be disinfected and could lead to contamination have been removed from the area.
  • All necessary disinfection procedures of the examination rooms are performed regularly after each patient. Every room is routinely ventilated.
  • The body temperatures of our personnel are regularly checked and possibly infected personnel is immediately detected, and isolated until tested.
  • All necessary protective equipment, such as gloves, glasses and masks, is provided for our personnel and visitors.
  • We kindly request that our patients and visitors wear masks while coming to their appointments.
  • You may make an appointment on our line (0212) 231 37 50.

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