One method for helping people with reproductive issues have children is in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF involves taking an egg out of a woman’s ovaries and fertilizing it with sperm in a lab. 

The fertilized egg is subsequently transferred to the woman’s uterus where it develops and grows into an embryo. 

You can accomplish it with your own eggs and sperm, sperm from your partner, or eggs and sperm from donors. IVF treatment, which is available in many countries, is also carried out in Cyprus. In this article, you can find information about IVF costs and legal regulations in Cyprus.

How much does IVF cost in Cyprus?

The Miracle Team at Cyprus IVF Center offers treatment at incredibly affordable costs when compared to the UK, Europe, and North America. For many patients who dare to travel further abroad for IVF, Northern Cyprus becomes their first choice of location. 

Northern Cyprus not only provides excellent IVF treatment value, but it also consistently makes available a variety of cutting-edge technologies to raise IVF success rates and improve technological value for the rest of the world. Furthermore, Northern Cyprus’ success rates are significantly better than its price. (1)

How to choose the best IVF clinic in Cyprus?

When you look up IVF costs abroad, a lot of IVF facilities will advertise each procedure. However, you should exercise caution because the services included in each treatment package can differ significantly, making it hard to compare like services based solely on quoted prices. 

To gain a clear picture of what you need to spend, it typically takes some investigation. 

The facilities at the Cyprus IVF Center are regularly updated so that you can take advantage of the newest medical technology. In addition to being reasonable, the costs per cycle also contain a variety of helpful extras. (2)

What are the legal aspects of IVF in Cyprus?

Anyone considering receiving IVF treatment in Northern Cyprus should evaluate the legal implications first, and there are a few key points to keep in mind. 

The initial upper age restriction for female patients is 45–58 years old. Patients must, however, meet specific requirements and successfully complete unique tests if they are over 45 years old. The male partner’s age is not a restriction. 

Here, heterosexual relationships, female relationships, and single women can all be handled. In Northern Cyprus, male couples can also receive IVF treatment, however, doing so requires special arrangements with a clinic.

HIV-positive patients are sometimes allowed to receive treatment, depending on the clinic. The same is true for HCV/HBV-positive patients. (3)

Who can get IVF treatment in Cyprus?

Women up to the age of 58 are allowed to undergo IVF:

  • Over 45 years old – subject to additional testing and Ministry of Interior.
  • Health approval is required; Women over 55 also require an ethics committee meeting in the presence of the patient.
  • The male partner has no age limit
  • Heterosexual couples are welcome
  • IVF is available for single women and female couples
  • IVF is available for male couples, we recommend consulting the clinics for details on this.
  • Sex selection is not allowed unless it prevents transmission of serious genetic diseases, although some clinics may reveal the sex of the embryo in genetic embryo test results.
  • Many clinics support HIV-positive patients and HCV/HBV-positive patients
  • The maximum number of embryos to be transferred for both IVF own eggs and egg donation is 3, but this depends on prognosis. (4)


Andreou, K., Ioannou, P., Konstantakopoulou, O., Kaitelidou, D., Galanis, P., & Charalambous, G. (2020). The attitudes of specialists towards medical tourism and in vitro fertilization medical tourism services in Cyprus. Archives of Hellenic Medicine/Arheia Ellenikes Iatrikes, 37(2).

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